Kajabi, Joomla & Wordpress website build and hosting
(and no fluff or cupcakes.... well maybe a few cupcakes)
You know what jigsaw puzzles are like. You stare and stare until your eyes go funny,
but you can't see the missing piece.
Business can be like that too. You slug your guts out to get started and get out there - but your website doesn't perform like it should, and your business suffers. Your eyes go funny again, and as a result you bump into things and hurt yourself.
It's really not pleasant, is it?
That's where we come in. The friendly experts!
At Jigsaw we have the tools and the talent to dab your eyes, blow your nose, make you a nice cup of tea and get you back on your feet again.
Our speciality dish comes in the shape of our Joomla websites. Joomla is a funky and fantastic web design application which we use to create hard-working and Google-friendly business websites. With Joomla content-management websites you can frequently update the content yourself via a very user-friendly control panel. Brill!
Whether you're starting out or fully established, a pinch of Jigsaw magic sprinkled liberally across your business muesli works wonders for your company fibre. (We're not entirely sure what this means - but we like the sound of it).

And we're not just all about Joomla and Wordpress websites either. No sir. If you need graphic design, copy writing, social media or video production for your business - then we have the tools and the talent.
So give us a call, and prepare to get marvellous.
Jigsaw. Honest. Transparent. Reliable. Hard-working. Splendid.
Build your new website project with Jigsaw Web Design Ltd
Joomla & Wordpress Websites specialists since 2005.
Build a Website in a Day?
What's that you ask - well, the terribly fabulous guys at Jigsaw realised there's a tinchy gap in the market for swift website builds. And Joomla is perfectly suited to a nice and tidy lickedy split site build so we can send you off with a super big grin on your face, your site live and your to-do list all ticked off leaving you free to do what you're best at - getting the business of your business done!
So, give us a day of your time and we'll build you a superb fully mobile and tablet friendly website.
Are you ready? Great, then let's get started.....click the button to book a call with Jodee to discuss your plans.
Yes! Website in a Day is just what I need!
In today’s crazy, electronic but nonetheless exciting world having a modern and Google-friendly website is essential to every business. Those lovely people at Jigsaw will design and build you a Joomla website tailored to your needs, and not only that - they'll cram it full of sexy goodness to make it stand out from the crowd. Jigsaw is a small but fragrant website design company based in South Birmingham UK with a super team of smashing folk. You'll benefit (and feel the love) from working directly with them and they'll graft away to ensure that your website is just right for you and your business.
Unlike other web design companies - we wear our prices on our sleeve. Our competitors hate that (and it can make it tricky when we try to put our jackets on at the end of the day), but we want you to know what you to expect before you contact us.
Our simple, yet highly functional and impressive sites start at just £1,000 and a bespoke website will cost from just £2250. We believe that by being honest and upfront about our costing structure we win more work than companies who add on massive margins. There's none of that funny business going on here. Jigsaw works to an agreed budget to achieve the best value for your money. No need for jiggery-pokery! But hey - don't just take our word for it! Please read what some of our customers say about Jigsaw.
And the happiness doesn't end there. The add-on features available with Joomla are incredibly flexible and reasonably priced compared with coding bespoke functionality. Those lovely peeps at Jigsaw can offer you advanced functionality at a fraction of the cost that the bigger agencies will want to charge.
Hurrah to that!
Basic Website build - £1,000
Basic eCommerce facility bolt-on - from £150
20-page full site with graphics - from £1,450
(discount of £300 available if you
have fully planned your website -
saves our time so saves you money!)
Full eCommerce facility bolt-on - from £900
Bespoke & Responsive websites - from just £2,250
Website Hosting Packages (monthly) - from £17.50 pm
Sound great? Let's chat!First class website and email hosting with Jigsaw Web Design Ltd
- including your weekly extension updates!!
Joomla or Wordpress Web hosting. By gum - it's a right old minefield, that one.
You know what they're like, those web hosters - they'll offer you this, that and the other and before you know it you've signed up for all kinds of shiny things. A few weeks later your website is up and running - but the domain name isn't the one you wanted. And the hosting is all shonky - one minute the site that's been lovingly constructed for you is there, the next minute it's gone. And when you call for hosting support, you get a nauseating answer phone message to tell you that your call is important, and that you're 94th in the queue... or you get those dreaded words - you haven't kept your site up to date....well what does that even mean anyway!?
Not so with Jigsaw.
All you really want is to know that you can relax, that your Joomla or Wordpress site is taken care of and everything is being done to prevent it from being hacked - am I right?

Oh and attention is something we do well too - want a quick phone call to sort out your exchange emails with your IT guy, well we'll sort that all out for you - and you wont have to wait a week for us to get to it either! Got some queries about your website? Give us a shout or drop us an email and we'll get right on it.
That's why we're more than happy to tell you that our annual Joomla "web hosting with updates" packages start at just £210.00 for non-ecommerce website. In return for your hard-earned money you can expect a great service, along with speedy and thorough support from your dedicated Joomla and Wordpress web hosting experts, based in Birmingham UK - all at the usual high Jigsaw standard.
So why not give us a ring and see what we can do for you? Pick up the blower and give us a tinkle on 01527 523115 and let's get hosting!
Who needs the daily worry of being hacked - not us certainly, so we look after all our Joomla and Wordpress websites and jump onto the updating every week updating your core CMS and each extension as needed. And when you are ready to move up a Wordpress or Joomla version - say your site is on version 3 and you want to migrate to 4 next Spring, we'll have a chat about that and get it done for you - Jigsaw typically charges £700 for a straightforward site rebuild so thats another worry taken care of.
So what's included? We include approximately £230 worth of software (annual subscription costs absorbed by Jigsaw) to help your website fly - Akeeba, JCE, Yootheme template and Widgetkit plus breezing forms.
I'm pretty sure there isn't another host out there that offers this kind of service for starting price of just £210 per year (and most of my hosting friends think I'm crazy - but I like to call it super generous and I hope you'll stay with me for years and years as a result!).
Our hosting plan is a beauty, and comes with absolutely no funny business whatsoever. We do all the faffing around with updates for this and upgrades for that and its all included in your super super Jigsaw price.
Here are our delicious joomla only web hosting packages in full:
Joomla Hosting Package incl updates
£17.50pm 10GB Disk Space
10GB User Traffic Bandwidth
Business eCommerce Package incl updates
£400 per year 50GB Disk Space
50GB User Traffic Bandwidth
Jigsaw Elite Package
£100 per month 250GB Disk Space
100GB User Traffic.
We've made our reputation a strong one thanks to hard work, resourcefulness and complete transparency in everything we do. We have our own dedicated server too, powered by our awesome friends at Rochen, to house our lovely Joomla and Wordpress websites, and you're welcome to join in the party - you won't be crammed tightly in with thousands of other websites on a big commercial shared server fighting for attention.